ü Summary

ü Context

w Objectives

ü Working procedures

ü Expected results

ü Partners and contact

ü Timetable

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   Twinning between Basin Organisations is a mean making it possible to obtain concrete results to stimulate and support IWRM. Moreover, recommandations from many international agreements can effectively be implemented thanks to this concept.
By faciliting direct exchanges on best practices, and as well on failed experiments, twinning can help BOs ti improve their effectiveness by a greater technical, scientific and institutional expertise. The concept of twinning is based on the following observation : BOs can profit from peers opinion regarding administrative, technical and/or institutional aspects, coming from a sister organisation managing a basin in another geographical, political or economic context.

The TwinBasin project aims at faciliting Basin Organisations's twinning arrangements, by defining a framework for action, by enabling the move of staffs between twin agencies and by capitalizing the knowledge thus acquired.

   The TwinBasin initiative is opened to the other major stakeholders (Administrations, Universities, companies) to work together for faciliting these twinning arrangements.
The tool thus developed will focus on the capitalization of the acquired know-how to share it on the widest scale possible. Special attention will be paid to the relations between Basins and Research to increase the dissemination of research results to the users and thus improve management according to demand.

   The work is mainly remotely carried out by relying on an appropriate computerized tool, with however opportunities of encounters during INBO General Assemblies.
Web-conferences will be organized with experts to disseminate the results of the research, as well as the reports of the staffs involved in the exchanges.

   The project will financially support exchanges of staff members, about 50% on the average of the travel and stay expenses in the twin organisation : this amount will be modulated according to the organisation of departure (the modulation will be later defined by the Steering Committe of the project.


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